Our Impact

Greener Flows for a Brighter Future 

To successfully contribute for the reduction of  socio- environmentally destructive practices at the personal, community, and business level , in order to tackle climate change, environmental and  social injustice  inequality.

For that matter, We r' flows strives and encourages teamwork with  all key and passive stakeholders, and strengthen our green procurement operations.

"...Because everyone ( including you  ), and the environment are special"

Nissi, 30


We r’Flows sustainability Goals for 2030

  • Gender and environment: Inspire and enable more than 1 Million girls and women to access free eco-friendly sanitary pads in rural areas, in Mozambique.
  • Set up fundraiser organization to promote eco conscious initiatives (e.g: introduction of environmental education at in rural and urban schools) to inspire a daily improvement of the life quality better within the everyday the boundaries of the planet
  • To make "Use-Reuse-Recycle" mantra increasingly and fundamentally present as a pillar-element in all business model strategies  as We R' Flows expands.

Because You & Earth are Special!

We R' Flows



 by We R' Flows



The PassPad Campaign

Sanitary items… passports…Passpads??! 
Yes! Many of us have never thought of sanitary pads or any other sanitary product that we have access to, as a passport to be able to leave our homes to go to work, to school, to practice sports peacefully, travel and spend our best and challenging moments with the peace of mind, regarding the use of something that is holding, taking care of us, and hiding our period flows.
In the last years, the number and escalation of social and political crises around the world has been having a critical impact on poverty, death and climate change issues. As usual, women and children are the most vulnerable to the attacks and consequences regarding social and economic calamities, and poverty. We R'Flows has launched " THE PASSPAD CAMPAIGN'', which encourages not only female travellers, but every one around the world to join our movement to donate sanitary products to girls in need from Mozambique, victims of wars, natural disasters and poverty.
Get to know what is happening in Mozambique 

 Help us provide sanitary assistance and love around the world for those who are in need